Price $253,164,556

*price approximately



08888880 & 9999999 Potentially World’s Best 8 and 9 Company Numbers

The above numbers are presumably most unique and world’s most perfect company numbers formed of digits 8 and 9. Price is GBP£200,000,000 for both.

Asset's value primarily consists of its visual aspects and meanings it comprises, equating it to the value of an old painting or historical artefact. It has the potential to stably and constantly grow in value: as the total number of CRNs daily increases, the current company registration number becomes more scarce.

What is a U.K. company registration number and what it is needed for?

Each newly registered company in United Kingdom is assigned a distinctive eight-character code (formed of eight digits or two letters plus six digits) by the government registrar Companies House. The company number can not be modified and could be seen on company's documents, invoices, receipts, emails, website, contracts, fillings, share certificates, forms, business cards, leaflets, journals and magazines, letters, resolutions, online posts, online platforms, advertising instruments, clothes, etc. Fines could be applied if not displaying the CRN where mandatory (Companies Act 2006).

Considering there is a total of ~ 11 Million (eight-digit) company numbers in UK (as of February 2024), 08888880 and 9999999 is rarely unique among all, and particularly among all existing U.K. CRNs containing digit 8 and 9 and presumably among all future U.K. CRNs to contain digit 8 and 9. Owning an exclusive asset in U.K. makes the owner extra special all around the globe.

Company numbers have the potential to grow in price and value with time, because each day they are becoming more, and those unique are getting more scarce. For example 1 of a million is much more valued than 1 of 100. There are around 11 Million U.K. company numbers in total (as of February 2024) and each company number is 1 of 11 Million, but only few of all are 1-of-1 of 11 Million, special and have unique characteristics which bring their value well above rest.

And it is an exceptional opportunity to enhance the collection of unique and rare assets, especially for someone passionated about numbers. It can benefit the owner in the real world as well as in the uprising digital era, where the numbers can be used in metaverse for accentuating owner’s status and uniqueness and provide big positive impact and exposure for businesses and companies controlled by the owner.

Preferable transaction instrument: Bitcoin

08888880 Company Documents:

09999999 Company Documents:


Instagram: @lucky8uk

Instagram: @unique9uk



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